- The Assemblers Package comes with a Medium arm Fixture. Purchase a Short or Long Arm Fixture separately if you plan on assembling those arms.
Assembled Fixture - S,M,L
Pallet Layout - Short Arm
Assembly Layout - Short Arm
Open the Assemblers Package on a large table or work surface.
Cover your work surface with polyethylene or parchment-paper as a protective barrier.
- Tip: parchment paper comes with every robot kit, separating all the laser cut pallets.
PPE: Wear safety glasses and nitrile gloves when working with epoxy glue.
Prepare the glue gun, locate the Primary Arm Fixture flat-pack, and have tape ready.
Lay out the Primary Arm Fixture Pieces as shown in the Assembly Layout image.
Dry-fit the fixture as shown in this video. Then disassemble and lay parts back into the Assembly Layout configuration.
Apply glue and assemble Fixture as shown in this video
- Apply glue to the fixture surfaces which make contact one piece at a time, until the whole fixture is glued together.
- You will have approximately 1 to 3 hours work time before the epoxy starts to harden.
- Epoxy set time is around 1 hour at 90F, 2 hours at 80F, 3 hours at 70F, 4 hours at 60F.
Tape, rubber-band or clamp the glued item while the epoxy sets.
Store the Epoxy Gun in a Gallon Freezer Bag in your Freezer. Simply warm it to room temperature the next time you need it.